31.12.2016 |

Beiträge: 3.666
Registriert seit: 16. Jun 2012
RE: Bronies goes Estonia, Silvester in Tallinn (2016/17)
I've tried to cantact you, but couldn't reach you.
We are now in Tallinn old town, maybe we can Meetup somewhere to celebrate new years eve with you guys. Can you send me your Phone Number over Pn, so we can communicate over Telegram or WhatsApp.
31.12.2016 |

Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016
RE: Bronies goes Estonia, Silvester in Tallinn (2016/17)
How long you are here? Tonight i are at home with siblings and must go at 5:00 morning to train depot and work to noon. Tomorrow evening im free.
I havent neither telegram or whatsapp but i use Facebook
31.12.2016 |

Beiträge: 1.267
Registriert seit: 01. Jul 2013
RE: Bronies goes Estonia, Silvester in Tallinn (2016/17)
The problem we have Sibbling is, that we are ready to leaving Tallinn at 11:00 am. We going to Helsinki and on the next morning we taking our flights back to germany.
Thats a shame that we wont get the chance to meet  but still, have a happy new year lad.
31.12.2016 |

Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016
RE: Bronies goes Estonia, Silvester in Tallinn (2016/17)
More like Work duties not siblings. If morning are free, i will anyway go to town centre. But i must at 5:00 morning be fresh and ready.
Hint: i arrvive to Tallinn main Bahnhof at 7:54 (nr405) and depart to Aegviidu at 8:30 (nr404), that means i stand 35 minutes at Tallinn (Balti) main station. That Train rides Through Ülemiste station too (arrive 8:39) what are close to Airport but likely too early. But driven by Estonian brony  If i see somewhere something pony-like, i push horns
Happy Yew Year
31.12.2016 |

Beiträge: 1.976
Registriert seit: 02. Apr 2013
RE: Bronies goes Estonia, Silvester in Tallinn (2016/17)
Happy New year man!! Best wishes from us all! c:
Would have loved to meet you, too bad we are leaving by ship around 11-12 in the noon.. :/