30.05.2021 |
Crash Override
Beiträge: 14.550
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
It's summer!
Added bakery!
Added 3 new bakery music tracks
Added ability to carry bakery goods on plates
Added ability to bring plates to bakery tables and certain outdoor spots
Added new edible items:
- Cakes
- Donuts
- Macarons
- Chocolate muffin
- Eclair
- Tart
- Strawberry pastry
- Blueberry pastry
- Strawberries
- Cherries
- Pretzel
- Sandwich
- Croissant
- Baguette
- White bread
- Sourdough bread
Added new holdable objects:
- Teapot
- Kettle
- Cup of tea
- Cup of coffee
- Small plate
- Spoon
- Rolling pin
- Bread peel
Added mess in the kitchen
Added preserving undo history when switching maps
Increased map undo history from 20 to 50
Improved lighting quality
Replaced graphics quality slider with detailed settings
Fixed low graphics quality disabling object see-through
Fixed map undo getting reset after getting reconnected
Fixed missing tear preview when editing expressions
Fixed changing current object not updating building UI
Fixed egg basket being considered a rare item
Fixed dandelion seeds not moving with the player
Fixed some issues with giving items
Fixed some map errors
Fixed some other UI issues
Optimized server performance
Optimized game performance
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
03.06.2021 |
Crash Override
Beiträge: 14.550
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
nun ja, dafür das das bisher das einzige in Pony Town ist, ist es nicht verwunderlich. in Ashes Town z.b. gibt's die Bar, ein paar "interaktive" npcs u.a. als Verkäufer (oder die Overmare von stable 49) - und: dort gibt's sowas wie "caps", also eine art währung.
nebenbei erwähnt noch ein paar Einrichtungsgegenstände, die PT nicht bietet, wie z.b. einen Kühlschrank, Herd, Microwelle oder nen Toaster. beim Bett bin ich mir da nicht sicher ob das bei Ashes town sogar in alle 4 richtungen drehbar ist (je 2 versionen horizontal und vertikal) - bei Pony-town ist dessen ausrichtung nur in horizontaler form gegenüber "eigenbauten", die man auch Vertikal aufsetzen kann, eingeschränkter... dabei hat man sogar Couches, die in alle 4 richtungen schauen.
dadurch, das es auch einige deutsche dort gibt, wäre ein Deutscher server auch nicht verkehrt... nur mit der eninschränkung, das dort dann keine Nationalsozialistischen Symbole / charactere sein dürfen. Ich meine, für die paar chinesen haben sie ja auch nen Server aufgesetzt...
Added ability to carry carrots, apples, oranges, pears, bananas, lemons, limes and individual grapes on plates
Added ability to hold cherry bundles
Added ability to take cherries by booping
Added missing Vietnamese characters
Adjusted rolling pin to respawn faster
Fixed UFO strawberries
Fixed food on plates not moving when nomming
Fixed not being able to pick stemless daisy variant
Fixed being able to take grapes from summer grapevines
Fixed lanterns ignoring flying players when respawning
Fixed lit candle and sparkler light not shimmering
Fixed some map errors
Optimized server performance
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
03.06.2021 |
Great and Powerful
Beiträge: 390
Registriert seit: 16. Sep 2012
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
"paar Chinesen!?" Also ich hatte damals, vor den chinesischen Servern, fast immer irgendwelche Chinesen angetroffen. Deutsche sind da meiner Meinung nach im vergleich eher rar.
03.06.2021 |
Crash Override
Beiträge: 14.550
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
ja, ist vielleicht etwas "untertrieben" - anfangs hielten sich die chinesen meist eher am unteren rechten Map-Teil auf, quasi "unter sich". damals hießen die server aber auch "english Safe / 18+ Server", das English fiel auch weg da dort dennoch genügend anderst sprachige sich aufhalten. tja, jene haben einen vorteil - es sind genügend gewesen für einen eigenen Server; es sind da auch zu wenig deutsche (hatte es erst mit den aktuell verantwortlichen darüber) das sich da ein eigener Server lohnt... stein des anstoßes war quasi nur die "überbevölkerung Minderjähriger" auf dem 18+ - wo sie eigentlich ncihts zu suchen hatten. warum gingen die meisten dorthin? damit sie auch weiter fluchen, andere beleidigen, schimpfworte etc. wie auch adult-content "nutzen" bzw. aussagen konnten - das ist etwas, weswegen man auf dem Safe-Server direkt gekickt wird. selbst "shit" reicht schon aus um zu Fliegen. Das macht die Atmosphäre nciht wirklich angenehm, sondern eher etwas toxisch - man weiß nämlich wie wie alt der gegenüber wirklich ist, man kann sich da nur auf die angabe stützen, was der gegenüber nennt - und hoffen, das das richtig ist. eine Valide Verifizierung für den 18+ wäre machbar (im grunde), aber braucht erstmal zeit ohne ende, dazu noch personen, die eben kontrollieren - und für nen chat ist das "zuviel des guten". man schaut zumindest deswegen bereits, das man das irgendwie geregelt bekommt...
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
05.06.2021 |
Beiträge: 331
Registriert seit: 05. Mai 2015
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Die letzte BabsCon Online in PonyTown (war letztes Wochenende) hatte übrigens etwa 35.000 unterschiedliche Besucher.
Quelle dazu: https://twitter.com/BABSCon/status/1399425564793057295
Gezählt wurden ins Spiel eingeloggte Spieler, also mit sozialen Konten verknüpft / verifizierte unique players.
Ich bin mal gespannt darauf, wann und welches nächste Pony Event diesen neuen Rekord bricht. Der vorherige Rekordhalter war Midair Pony Fair.
12.06.2021 |
Crash Override
Beiträge: 14.550
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Fixed picking up cookies giving wrong held cookie
Fixed cherry bundle leaves changing on interaction
Fixed nomming randomly stopping in some cases
Fixed incorrect "Give item request timed out" message
Fixed give item request not getting cancelled when picking a new item
Fixed accepting or rejecting a player request applying to all pending requests
Fixed not notifying party when creating new map
Fixed water objects not bobbing after changing season
Fixed tile changes being incorrect in rare cases
Fixed wrong map getting loaded in rare cases
Fixed having tag enabled changing chat bubble height
Fixed poof not appearing when changing location
Fixed unlocked party building icon being offset
Fixed incorrectly displaying chatlog range on mobile
Fixed some issues with picking items
Fixed some other UI issues
Fixed some map errors
Optimized game performance
Optimized server performance
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
20.06.2021 |
Crash Override
Beiträge: 14.550
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Added "Use own map" party option to visit your own island and house maps rather than the party leader's
Added new placeable Indoor objects:
- Small, medium and large round tables
- Wooden seat
- Cushioned seats
- Corner sofas
- Stone ovens
- Cabinets
- Wooden counters
- Stone counters
- Sinks and sink counters
- Water pump
- Stove and stove counters
- Dish racks
- Bread peel
- Spoon rack
- Wooden columns
- Rose vases
- Hanging plant
- Fruit picture
- Small and large round windows
Added new placeable Outdoor objects:
- Stone arch and stone arch with vines
- Wood pile
- Small log slice
Added new placeable Food & Storage objects:
- Cherries
- Strawberries
- Berry bowls
- Full and sliced sourdough bread
- Full and sliced white bread
- Sandwich
- Pretzel and pretzel stand
- Bread roll and bread roll basket
- Baguette and baguette basket
- Flat basket
- Croissants
- Chocolate muffin color variant
- Donuts
- Macarons
- Eclair
- Tart
- Strawberry and blueberry pastries
- Pie, pie slice, pie base and pie tin
- Cherry cakes and cherry cake slice
- Princess cake and princess cake slice
- Cheese cakes and cheese cake slice
- Raw bread and cookies
- Cookie bowl, bowl with dough and empty bowl
- Tea tin
- Coffee grinder
- Small and large plates
- Small and large trays
- Empty and filled cups
- Kettle
- Tea pot
- Jug
- Spoon
- Rolling pins
- Piping bag
- Sugar bag
- Small, large and open flour bags
Added placeable round leafed bush
Added placeable tiled wood tiles
Added more random variants to some placeable objects
Adjusted order and categories of some placeable objects
Adjusted names of some placeable objects
Improved preciseness when interacting with objects
Improved party options UI
Fixed swapping characters not updating expression
Fixed /nom <expression> stopping nomming
Fixed being able to get AFK kicked while typing in chat
Fixed load map action being grayed out despite having permission to load maps
Fixed save map action not being grayed out despite not having permission to save maps
Fixed issues with resetting island after changing season
Fixed some issues with object interaction on mobile
Fixed some issues with moving objects
Fixed some map errors
Fixed in-game character editor height changing when switching between editor tabs
Fixed some other UI issues
Fixed bookshelves missing from placeable objects
Fixed some map errors
Fixed issues with placing objects on mobile
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
26.06.2021 |
Beiträge: 11.966
Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Pony Fest läuft gerade.
03.10.2021 |
Crash Override
Beiträge: 14.550
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Added marketplace!
Added marketplace day and night music tracks
Added new edible items:
- Grilled apple skewer
- Grilled bell pepper skewer
- Grilled chanterelle mushroom skewer
- Cucumber and cucumber slice
- Tomato and tomato slice
- Carrot slice
- Bell peppers and bell pepper slices
- Chili pepper
- Radish
- Turnip
- Garlic
- Onions and onion slice
- Lettuce
- Potato and potato slice
- Peach
- Avocado
- Fig
- Pomegranate
- Apple slices
- Banana slice
Added new holdable items:
- 4 types of vegetable salad bowls
- 5 types of fruit salad bowls
- Empty bowl
- Straws
- Salad utensils
- Kitchen knife
- Firefly lanterns
- Paper lanterns
- Teardrop shaped lantern
- Sphere shaped lantern
- Candle holders
- Flower seed bags
- Garden shovel
- Pincers
Added new items to carry on plates:
- Juice bottles
- Empty bottle
Added ability to put salad bowls on market/bakery tables
Added ability to fill bowls and take food from them
Added ability to cycle item stashes while holding a plate
Added ability to take skewer pieces by booping
Added ability to catch fireflies with firefly lanterns
Added always showing permissions in party options
Improved party permissions to show separate Give All and Revoke All options
Improved see-through area around the player
Improved interactive range of leaves
Improved barrel
Improved toolbox
Improved held carrot
Fixed connected gamepad causing head to get stuck
Fixed incorrect position of boop splash in shallow water
Fixed lighting quality showing incorrectly in some cases
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
Optimized game performance
Optimized server performance
Tool stand now has knives in stock
Added second watering can
Adjusted placement of some marketplace objects
Adjusted respawn rate of some marketplace items
Fixed some other map errors
Fixed marketplace music not playing
Fixed disassembled barrels with snow
Fixed server stuttering
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
27.10.2021 |
Beiträge: 11.966
Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Halloween Event ist online.
15.11.2021 |
Crash Override
Beiträge: 14.550
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Here's the list of changes:
Disabled Halloween event
Added ability to exchange items
Added new placeable Indoor objects:
- Small tablecloth
- Posters
- Note
- Tags
Added new placeable Outdoor objects:
- Small signs
- Tree posts
- Lantern posts
Added new placeable Food & Storage objects:
- Apple slices
- Peaches
- Avocados and avocado slices
- Small and large watermelons
- Turnips and turnip leaf
- Tomato and tomato slices
- Fig
- Chili
- Radishes
- Potatoes and potato slice
- Pomegranate and pomegranate slice
- Cucumber and cucumber slices
- Onions and onion slices
- Garlic and garlic clove
- Bell peppers and bell pepper slices
- Pepper, mushroom, apple and empty skewers
- Small, large and empty salad bowls
- Small and large drinks
- Tiny jars
- Filled and empty Spice bottles
- Scales
- Calibration weight
- Salad fork and spoon
- Knife
- Straws and straw cup
- Pouches
- Potato bags
- Bags
- Slanted basket
- Blueberry, avocado, cherry and empty large baskets
- Dye, water, closed and empty buckets
- Bucket and closed bucket
- Coal and crystal boxes
- Medium and large boxes
- Water barrel
- Peach, cucumber, apple and closed barrels
- Drink barrels
- Small crate
- Ingot rack
- Rope stand
Added new placeable Gardening objects:
- Watering can
- Seed bags
- Small, large and open soil bags
- Flower bouquets
- Flower vases
- Small and large vases
- Daffodil barrel
- Small and large plant pots
- Picket boxes
Added new placeable Tools & Smithing objects:
- Small shovel
- Vertically standing hammer, shovel, rake, pickaxe, saw, crowbar, wand, brush and wrench
- Diagonal wrench
- Pincers
- Pincer bucket
- Crowbar barrel
- Furnace
- Bellows
- Anvil
Added new placeable Lights objects:
- Candle bowls
- Small and large candle jars
- Held candle holders
- Large iron lanterns
- Small and large firefly lanterns
- Small and large sphere lanterns
- Glass lanterns
- Small and large paper lanterns
- Small, medium, large and lying crystal lanterns
Added new placeable Lantern Posts objects:
- Small, medium and large tree lantern posts with paper, crystal, firefly and sphere lanterns
- Several variants of wooden lantern posts with iron, paper, crystal, firefly and sphere lanterns
Added animations to object placing previews
Added Tools & Smithing object category
Renamed "Flowers" object category to "Gardening"
Moved boats to Outdoor category
Moved tools to Tools & Smithing category
Moved mushrooms to Gardening category
Removed Mushrooms category
Adjusted some other object names and categories
Improved eating effect color when eating some items
Improved tulip bouquet sprite
Improved chat log to hide scroll button when not needed
Fixed not being able to edit stone arch in some cases
Fixed disbanding a party losing party map changes
Fixed incorrectly displaying current server in some cases
Fixed options changed with F9 and F10 getting reset after page refresh
Fixed /candy and similar commands always getting sent to public chat
Fixed map menu showing a persistent "New map" tooltip
Fixed some map errors
Optimized server performance
Added placeable white wooden and rope fences
Fixed clouds
Fixed party poppers and player poof effects
Fixed names of some placeable objects
Fixed knives on the tool stand failing to respawn
Fixed item exchange request timed out incorrectly appearing in some cases
Added floating controls to character creator on mobile
Added warning when using Z and Y on locked map
Fixed party popper animation
Fixed tears blinking in shallow water
Fixed Editing is locked error after leaving party
Fixed inconsistent behavior when saving pony image
Fixed non-interactive sneeze and kiss with mask down
Fixed not being able to pick marketplace paper lanterns
Fixed issues with picking up bowls
Fixed issues with hiding party members
Fixed some UI issues
Fixed some map errors
Reduced network traffic usage
Optimized game performance
Optimized server performance
Added ability to close character creator floating controls
Added winter versions to some lantern poles
Fixed incorrectly displayed players in party in some cases
Fixed large delay when changing party permissions
Fixed managing permissions of offline party members
Fixed previous page in party list sometimes not working
Fixed issues with some lights being incorrectly displayed
Fixed party popper animation skipping first frame
Fixed not being able to click chat log player names
Fixed some map errors
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 28.11.2021 von Crash Override.)