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15.03.2025, 09:48

Brony Test
TehEngineer Offline

Beiträge: 142
Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2012

Brony Test
Ich Hab Hier Mal Zwei Tests Gefunden, Die Interessant Sein Könnten. (ATTENZIONE! Englische Sparche)
Nummer 1 (Wie sehr Habt ihr euch im Bronydom "Eingegraben") HINWEIS: DIE LETZTEN SECHS FRAGEN TRENNEN DIE SPREU VOM WEIZEN!(nur halt ne Ebene höher, also die bronys von den "Über-Bronys)
Pinkie happy
[...] ignoranten; nich ihr, ich!
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 14.01.2012 von TehEngineer.)
Perrydotto Offline
Signin' Pony

Beiträge: 4.686
Registriert seit: 16. Aug 2011

RE: Brony Test
Für Test Numero 2 haben wir schon einen Test. Bitte benutz nächstes Mal die Suchfunktion.
Oder es ist ein ähnliches Quiz. Hm. Jedenfalls haben wir so eines schon, das kannst du rausnehmen Smile

Zu Test Numero 1:

You got 336 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 67 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Wenn ihr nur eure schockierten Gesichter sehen könntet - Unvergleichlich!

DE_Dashy Abwesend
Royal Guard

Beiträge: 2.731
Registriert seit: 14. Aug 2011

RE: Brony Test
Zitat:You got 419 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 84 %


You have proven that you are a true fan of the series. Not only that, but you know much about the episodes and you also apply your brony-ness in real life. This is a really good result. You should be proud of it!

Die letzten Fragen waren ziemlich schwer. Besonders "Welche Startnummern hat RD in 1x16 und in welcher Reihenfolge?" und "Wie viele falsche Wimpern trägt Rarity?"

Perrydotto Offline
Signin' Pony

Beiträge: 4.686
Registriert seit: 16. Aug 2011

RE: Brony Test
Ich geb zu, ich hab die Sachen mit Pinkie Sense, den Startnummern und den Wimpern eiskalt übersprungen - Da hatte ich beim besten Willen keine Ahnung und wollte auch nicht nachgucken, das wär ja nicht Sinn der Sache gewesen. Dashy, du kriegst den Pokal für Detailwissen *g*

Wenn ihr nur eure schockierten Gesichter sehen könntet - Unvergleichlich!

Riko Offline
Bronies Bayern e.V. Schriftführer

Beiträge: 1.405
Registriert seit: 23. Okt 2011

RE: Brony Test
Zitat:You got 330 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 66 %
Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Ja bei den letzten Fragen waren wirklich ein paar schwierige dabei. Aber das Ergebnis ist in Ordnung.

[Bild: mlp_userbar___rainbow_dash_by_blackizaron-d4s388s.png]
Wenn du zur Arbeit gehst und einem Idioten begegnest, dann bist du einem Idioten begegnet.
Gehst du aber zur Arbeit und begegnest den ganzen Tag nur Idioten, bist du vielleicht selber der Idiot.
StrikeforFatt Abwesend
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 143
Registriert seit: 28. Dez 2011

RE: Brony Test
Das hab ich geschafft

You got 400 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 80 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.
Livid Abwesend

Beiträge: 949
Registriert seit: 29. Sep 2011

RE: Brony Test
Zu Test 1 habe ich:
You got 382 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 76 %

Fully approved brony.


[Bild: 66fj.jpg]

Es drohten ewige Finsternis und schrecklichste Kälte über die Erde zu kommen. Der Mensch drohte
auszusterben, alles, was wuchs, drohte zu verdorren, und die Tiere drohten auszusterben. Tod überall.

-Michael Köhlmeier

But banishing Luna was apparently still worse ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Speyde Abwesend

Beiträge: 1.056
Registriert seit: 15. Aug 2011

RE: Brony Test
Zu test 1

"You got 345 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 69 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems."

Naja bin mit meiner Leistung zufrieden! Pinkie happy
Dandelo Offline

Beiträge: 6.178
Registriert seit: 25. Nov 2011

RE: Brony Test
Zitat:You got 391 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 78 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Joar, damit kann ich leben ^^ Aber gegen Ende wurden die Fragen echt mies xD
Crash Offline

Beiträge: 733
Registriert seit: 08. Jan 2012

RE: Brony Test
You got 374 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 75 %
Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Oh man, die Fragen am Ende.. Twilight happy

[Bild: cartman_f.gif]
TehEngineer Offline

Beiträge: 142
Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2012

RE: Brony Test
Wer Halt die fragen am ende auch schafft, ist dann sowas wie n' Über-brony. Dafür sind die fragen da.
(Bitte Folgendes NICHT beachten: ho, u mav'b klu e zog'h, NI HO'EL!!)
Isegrim Offline

Beiträge: 2.342
Registriert seit: 02. Aug 2011

RE: Brony Test
Zitat:You got 373 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 75 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.
I can live with that

Die letzten Fragen sind ja mal schwer AJ surprised
FillyMuffinz Offline
Bester Autor 2012

Beiträge: 1.100
Registriert seit: 30. Sep 2011

RE: Brony Test
You got 439 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 88 %


You have proven that you are a true fan of the series. Not only that, but you know much about the episodes and you also apply your brony-ness in real life. This is a really good result. You should be proud of it!

yay :3

Diz Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 166
Registriert seit: 26. Dez 2011

RE: Brony Test
Zitat:You got 416 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 83 %


You have proven that you are a true fan of the series. Not only that, but you know much about the episodes and you also apply your brony-ness in real life. This is a really good result. You should be proud of it!

Die Fragen am Ende sind echt krass AJ surprised

[Bild: Diz1993.png]
Gobking Offline

Beiträge: 797
Registriert seit: 20. Dez 2011

RE: Brony Test
yay Pinkie happy

You got 362 of 500 possible points.Your score: 72 %
Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

die fragen am ende sind aber wirklcih schwer Lyra astonished

Bardiel Offline

Beiträge: 1.301
Registriert seit: 03. Nov 2011

RE: Brony Test
Zitat:You got 360 of 500 possible points. Your score: 72 %
Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Kann ich absolut mit leben. Wobei die letzten sechs Fragen echt rattig sind

Spoiler (Öffnen)
Katax Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 100
Registriert seit: 03. Jan 2012

RE: Brony Test
You got 374 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 75 %
Fully approved brony
It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Die schwierigste war die mit Rainbow Dashs Startnummern und Raritys Falschen Augenbrauen ^^
DelLagos666 Offline

Beiträge: 848
Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2012

RE: Brony Test
You got 381 of 500 possible points. Your score: 76 %

Fully approved brony

It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.

Ein Ergebnis mit dem ich vollkommen zufrieden binTwilight happy

Tolle Serie, aber dieses Fandom... (Öffnen)
Doofta Offline
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 80
Registriert seit: 10. Jan 2012

RE: Brony Test
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.04.2013 von Doofta.)
Kasseopea Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 102
Registriert seit: 14. Jan 2012

RE: Brony Test
You got 408 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 82 %


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